Exploratory Diving in the Tintamarre Area
One of the great things about Octopus Diving is that, when they have the chance, they go out in search of new reefs and other potential dive spots. That’s how they found Chris’s Reef and Kusasa Reef and what led them to start diving Roche Marcel and Molly Beday. Even better, if you are friends with them, you might get to go out looking for new dive sites with them. This is how we ended up at a couple new spots in the general vicinity of Tintamarre.
The first spot looked like a 15 meter deep reef in the channel between Anguilla and Tintamarre. We motored out, dropped in and found it to be 35 meters deep, 98% sand and 2% sea urchin. I guess you win some and you lose some. It was still quite fun, though. The red heart urchins looked like underwater coconuts and long-spined sea biscuit was motoring around the bottom pretty quickly for an urchin.
Heading closer to Tintamarre, we dropped in between Japanese Reef and Circus. The reef was generally pretty similar to the nearby official dive sites, but once we drifted down towards Circus, we did get to have fun in a large cave system with a number of openings and passages. After spending a while down there, we popped up above the cave, surrounded by our own bubbles gradually percolating through the holes in the reef.
Also, as you may have noticed from the photos, the dome scratch repair was pretty successful. I think there may be some optical distortion in spots from uneven sanding, but it’s a lot less noticeable than giant scratches!