
As you may have guessed from the title, this field guide is not a comprehensive guide to the wildlife of St. Martin. Such a guide would be much longer and require significantly more expertise in a variety of areas. The species included are restricted primarily to those which I have personally seen and photographed. That said, this guide does include many, if not most of the species one is likely to see when visiting the island.

Certain taxa are covered briefly, and many species are omitted entirely. The content has been researched and written by an individual with no professional background in zoology. Should you find these omissions and shortcomings intolerable, I encourage you to find a different guide to the fauna of this island. This may be difficult, as I know of no such volume.

Conversely, certain areas are covered in significant detail. This is particularly true of species and varieties that are endemic either to this island or restricted to the Lesser Antilles. I believe this to be a valuable approach to the wildlife of this island. For example, many bird species on the island are common throughout the Americas and information about them is readily available from a variety of sources. On the other hand, several of the lizard species here are restricted to just a few small islands and have been the subject of far less study.

This volume concludes with some notes on conservation and descriptions of some representative natural habitats on the island.

I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies, and I hope that should this volume ever be reviewed by a professional these may be corrected in future editions. If you have obtained this guide in order to enrich your own explorations of this fine island, happy exploring!


A view of Pointe des Froussards from Bell Hill with Rocher Marcel in the foreground. Scrubland near the coast gives way to dry tropical forest.