Bird Walk at Salines d’Orient

Last Saturday, Ronald Pieters led a bird walk around Salines d’Orient. We saw plenty of birds, many of which were in their breeding plumage. In addition to a number of species I had seen before, we saw a black-bellied plover, which is probably the largest plover in the area. I was also fascinated to see an immature little blue heron wearing mottled, intermediate plumage between the white plumage of its youth and the dark adult plumage. If you’re interested in birds, now is a great time to get out and see them on St. Martin.

This is also a good place for me to mention, which is a site where you can post sightings of birds and other animals as well as photos if you have them. This is a great way for enthusiasts to help put together a picture of the wildlife on the island. Records of what species are here and where they live can also help us better understand what areas of the island are most in need of protection as important habitats.

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