Zancudo and Tierra del Barco
Playa Zancudo is the other big surfing town near Pavones (not that it is a big town, of course). We went there to try our hand at surfing. It’s also a great place to barely avoid drowning. After our surfing expedition we went to a nearby pier near the mouth of a river (the Zancudo River, perhaps?) to look for crocodiles. It was low tide and we got to see a number of them in the water and one on an exposed mud bank. In the water were some checkered puffer fish, or at least something very similar, as well as schools of fish with what I think are semi-see-through heads. On our way back, we stopped to take photos of squirrel monkeys crossing the road.
We also visited Yann and Marie’s land, which is located nearby. Only a small part of the land is accessible by path, while most of it is made up of a jungle valley and hillsides. The most amazing thing I saw was a giant buprestid beetle (Euchroma gigantea), although I also saw a truly amazing multicolor grasshopper. Future plans for the area include creating trails in the jungle area and building a camping platform protected by chickens.